India ranks 113 out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s legal gender gap index

India’s ranked improved to 113 out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s Women, Business and Law index, according to the 10th edition of the report released Monday.

The index indicates the gap between legal rights enjoyed by men and women,

Indian women enjoyed 60% of the legal rights given to men as per the new report, lower than the global average of 64.2%, as per the 2024 index report.

But the country rankee much higher than its South Asian counterparts, where women enjoyed 45.9% of the legal protections compared to men.

India’s performance was much lower when it came to supportive frameworks, which include measures like national policies, plans, programs, services, budgets, procedures, inspections, and sanctions for noncompliance with quality standards.

Only 54.2% of supportive frameworks needed to promote law were established in the country. The global weightage in this regard was much lower at 39.5%.The new index measures performance on legal frameworks across 10 indicators like safety, mobility, workplace, pay, marriage, parenthood, childcare, entrepreneurship, assets and pension.Safety and childcare were added to the new index, which has moved India up in the ranking. Based on the old parameters, India ranked 129 out of 190 countries in the index.

While India’s score has been constant at 74.4% since 2021, its ranking in the index has declined from 122 in 2021 to 125 in 2022 and 126 in the 2023 index.

Globally, none of the countries had a full score in the new index, indicating that women did not enjoy equal rights in any of the countries.

“Closing this gap could raise global gross domestic product by more than 20% – essentially doubling the global growth rate over the next decade—but reforms have slowed to a crawl,” said Indermit Gill, Chief Economist of the World Bank Group.

India has also been trying to raise the female labour force participation rate, which at 37% in 2022-23 was much lower than some of the advanced economies in the world. The female labour force participation rate in OECD countries was just over 50% in 2022.

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