Why Were Egyptian Pyramids Built Along Long-Lost Ahramat Branch Of The Nile?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The ancient pyramids of Egypt, including the iconic Giza pyramid complex, were likely constructed along a now-buried branch of the River Nile. Recent research suggests that this 64-kilometer-long branch once flowed through the area where these pyramids are concentrated, explaining their seemingly peculiar location in the present-day narrow desert strip.

Why Were Egyptian Pyramids Built Along Long-Lost Ahramat Branch Of The Nile?

The causeways of the four Pyramids lead to an inlet, which we named the Giza Inlet, that connects from the west with the Ahramat Branch. These causeways connect the pyramids with valley temples which acted as river harbors in antiquity. These river segments are invisible in optical satellite imagery since they are masked by the cultivated lands of the Nile floodplain. The photo shows the valley temple of Khafre Pyramid (Photo source: Author Eman Ghoneim).

For nearly a millennium, starting around 4,700 years ago, the Egyptian pyramid fields between Giza and Lisht were built along the edges of what is now the Western Desert, part of the Sahara. However, sedimentary evidence indicates that the Nile River had a much higher discharge during that period, with multiple branches splitting off from the main river.

While it has been speculated that one of these branches may have flowed near the pyramid fields, providing access to water and transportation routes, this theory has not been conclusively proven until now. The researchers’ findings offer a plausible explanation for the strategic placement of these monumental structures along what was once a fertile and accessible riverbank.

Eman Ghoneim and colleagues studied satellite imagery to find the possible location of a former river branch running along the foothills of the Western Desert Plateau, very near to the pyramid fields. They then used geophysical surveys and sediment cores to confirm the presence of river sediments and former channels beneath the modern land surface, indicating the presence of a former branch, which they propose naming “Ahramat” (meaning pyramids in Arabic).

The authors suggest that an increased build-up of windblown sand, linked to a major drought that began approximately 4,200 years ago, could be one reason for the branch’s migration east and eventual silting up.

The recent discovery of an ancient Nile river branch, known as the Ahramat, sheds light on the strategic location of numerous pyramid fields near the ancient Egyptian capital of Memphis. These pyramid fields were concentrated along a particular strip of desert, likely due to their proximity to the Ahramat branch, which would have facilitated easy access and transportation during their construction.

Why Were Egyptian Pyramids Built Along Long-Lost Ahramat Branch Of The Nile?

The water course of the ancient Ahramat Branch borders a large number of pyramids dating from the Old Kingdom to the Second Intermediate Period, spanning between the Third Dynasty and the Thirteenth Dynasty. Credit: Eman Ghoneim

Furthermore, the researchers found that many of the pyramids had causeways that terminated at the proposed riverbanks of the Ahramat branch, suggesting that this river was utilized for transporting construction materials. These findings underscore the vital role played by the Nile as a transportation artery and cultural lifeline for ancient Egyptians.

See also: More Archaeology News

Moreover, the study highlights how environmental changes have historically impacted human societies. The authors emphasize the importance of future research to identify more extinct Nile branches, as this could aid in prioritizing archaeological excavations along their banks and preserving Egypt’s rich cultural heritage.

The study was published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment

Written by Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com Staff Writer

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