Helldivers 2 Celebrates ‘Malevelon Creek’ Holiday With Capes

A screenshot Arrowhead Game Studios shared of the Malevelon Creek Memorial cape.

Image: Arrowhead Game Studios / Sony

Everywhere I go, Malevelon Creek follows. It is in every other Helldivers-related post I see on Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok. When I first played Helldivers 2, the game was synonymous with this image of soldiers in some barren desert laying waste to killer bugs. Now? Now all I see is that damn jungle and those godforsaken robots.

Since the days it was first dubbed “Robot Vietnam” thanks to its jungle-like environs and traumatizing difficulty, Malevelon Creek has risen in stature to become Helldivers 2’s most famous battleground. In honor of that meteoric rise, and the immense narrative that players have managed to spin around the planet, Arrowhead Game Studios has decreed that today, April 3, 2024, is “Malevelon Creek Memorial Day.” No, you did not read that wrong: Super-Earth has approved a day in remembrance of the countless sacrifices Helldivers 2 players have made for the Creek. As an additional gesture to commemorate those who paid the ultimate price, players will receive a special cape they can don to remember their fallen brethren. Now if they could just give us double XP as some form of hazard pay, I’d be happy as a clam.

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