Massive Menhir Champ Dolent Built By Fairies In Ancient Beliefs Of Brittany’s People

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Nestled near the enchanting medieval town of Dol in northern Brittany, the menhir of Champ Dolent stands as a magnificent testament to human history. This awe-inspiring megalithic landmark invites us to reflect on the enduring spirit of our ancestors and inspires us to connect with the rich history of our past. Does this menhir hold ancient secrets we will never uncover?

Massive Menhir Champ Dolent Built By Fairies In Ancient Beliefs Of Brittany's People

One wonders why such a menhir is situated in the midst of an open field. The mystery deepens as we ponder its purpose and history. Researchers who have studied similar stone constructions suggest they are undoubtedly human-made monuments. But the question remains: how could these ancient people handle the stones’ weight and size? What kind of equipment did they have at their disposal?

In the distant past, there was a fascinating belief that gigantic megalithic structures were the work of supernatural spirits. Among Breton peasants, these impressive megaliths were not attributed to human endeavor. Instead, they imagined that fairy builders were the true masters behind the creation of menhirs, dolmens, and standing stones. One intriguing legend suggests that the Champ Dolent harbors a mysterious secret.

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